'Inherit The Wind' Opening 9/9/16

Brigit Saint Brigit Opens Inherit The Wind on September 9* in Partnership with FCCC's "Science And Spirituality" Colloquium
"I had the book in my hand, Hunter's Civic Biology. I opened it up and read my sophomore class chapter 17, Darwin's Origin of Species." (Inherit The Wind)
"One of the most outstanding dramas of our time. The portrait it draws of an explosive episode in American culture . . .remains as fresh as it ever was. Bursting with vitality . . . Literature of the stage" (NYT). BSB is excited to announce that for its production of Inherit The Wind, the Theatre will be partnering with the First Central Congregational Church in FCCC's inaugural "Science And Spirituality" Colloquy, an exploration of the relationship between mind and spirit. Originally set for a June/July run, the dates for the play were revisited after Pastor Scott Jones met with Artistic Director Cathy Kurz about collaborating on the September symposium.
Said Kurz, "Talking with Scott [Jones] about being a part of this event generated so many ideas for engaging the community. The scholars and other participants are thoughtful and energizing--the subject vibrant. Inherit will especially thrive in this celebration of reason and imagination." Along with the play, events will include talks and talkbacks with scientists and historians.
Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee's American classic courtroom drama is a fictionalized account of the infamous "Scopes Monkey Trial" and the events surrounding it. In 1925, in Dayton, Tennessee, high school science teacher John Scopes was arrested for introducing his students to Darwin's theory of evolution, a violation of state law. When activists on both sides of this newly-emerging controversy became aware of the doings in Dayton, two legal giants on opposite sides of the question entered the picture: Clarence Darrow for the defense and William Jennings Bryan for the prosecution. The Baltimore Sun even sent H. L. Mencken to cover the trial. Dayton--and evolution--were on the map.
The play premiered on Broadway in 1955, with Paul Muni and Ed Begley and ran for more than two years. Its many stage revivals have featured the likes of George C. Scott, Charles Durning, Christopher Plummer, Brian Dennehy, and Kevin Spacey. The memorable 1960 screen adaptation starred Spencer Tracy and Fredric March.
In speaking about the impetus for the "Science and Spirituality" idea, Jones commented: "We humans possess the power to think, yet many fear thoughts that challenge faith." This event "will model the connections between the two and how using our minds well is an expression of our faith. . . spirituality and academic pursuits encourage one another." Inherit The Wind will be the first production of the 2016-2017 season. It will be performed in the Memorial Chapel at the First Central Congregational Church at 421 South 36th Street on September 9, 10; 16, 17, 18; 22, 23, 24, 25. (Note: a September 11 matinee is not yet confirmed.)
Watch our website for details as the time gets closer.
*Because this production was moved from June to Sept., members holding 2015/2016 season tickets will be admitted at no charge.