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A Letter from the Director of "Holiday Lites"

For the last 10 years, BSB has been redefining the way we present theatre, exploring the possibilities of found-space theatre—marrying the material to the venue (and vice versa). Originally, this concept was born out of necessity. We found ourselves without a permanent home, and as artists, had no intention of giving up on our art. As a director and performer, I have whole-heartedly embraced this approach and become increasingly invigorated exploring ideas and engaging our collective empathy using the space as part of the performance. I hope you have found the level of intimacy as rewarding and enjoyable as I have. And hopefully, we’ve introduced you to some cool spaces in our city along the way!

I say this to let you know that we have, with a heavy heart, decided to cancel our production of Holiday Lites this season. I am sorry it has taken me this long to communicate it, but I wasn’t ready to give up (much longer than I probably should have—but I am pretty stubborn ;))

The space we had originally planned to perform in was no longer viable, and with Cathy and I were both engaged in other productions this fall, it forced us to pivot late in the game and come up short. Needless to say, our new COVID reality complicated that endeavor. We looked at over a dozen other locations, and they were either unaffordable, unavailable, or simply not roomy enough for us to be confident in our ability to keep you healthy and safe—as you know, we take that very seriously.

We will be issuing refunds for this production to our Season Members at the end of the season if I can’t come up with a suitable alternative production (and space!) before then.

And now—good news! We are announcing the title for the mainstage production of our 7th Annual Irish Festival as Love in the Title by Hugh Leonard, with side events featuring staged performances of stories by Frank O’Connor and others (adapted by yours truly), AND we have spaces locked down for the Irish Festival and God on Trial.

Thank you so much for continuing this journey with us and for your patience and dedication to our work at BSB after all these years. I love seeing all your beautiful faces at the shows (and frequently do at the box office when I check you in)! More to come soon...

Be well and enjoy this holiday season!


Murphy Scott Wulfgar

(formerly Scott Kurz)

Director, Writer, Actor, Ticket-Taker

Brigit Saint Brigit Theatre Co.



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